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Most people do not realize the expenses associated with a quality theatrical production. Performance rights, costumes, props, music, lighting and other needs can cost $2,500 to $7,500 per production. The revenue from ticket sales typically covers only a fraction of those expenses! 

As a donor at any level, you are helping us cover the expenses of facility maintenance and utilities, as well as production expenses including marketing, performance rights, sets, props, and costumes.  Donations also help us keep ticket prices affordable! 

Donating  provides community-wide recognition for your support of live theatre and the arts in the Seguin area. 

Corporate Donor Levels
Operations Underwriter

A donation of $20,000 funds use of the theatre (utility and maintenance expenses) for the year. 

Platinum Sponsor

A donation of $5,000 will helps fund royalties for a full season of plays and musicals. 

Gold Sponsor

A donation of $2.500 supports one of the key aspects of producing an entire season of live theatre such as scenic, costuming, props, or sound. 

Silver Sponsor